Dinu G. MESTER is a professional human being, working as manager, a confirmed leader in organizational development, speaker in business conferences, coach for performance and strategic consultant in organizational excellence for leaders, managers and owners of companies and organizations.
Dinu grew up and developed as a conscientious young man, competitive and attentive to details, passionate about mathematics and physics in high school, with good results obtained in county interschool competitions. From high school he followed the path of finance, accounting and economics. The logical reasoning and the ability of analysis and synthesis, allowed him to obtain good school results and to complete his studies in France with a Master degree in Management and Development of SMEs.
Dinu is one of the most respected professionals in the field, at regional level, when we talk about implementing systems of controlling and managing employee and business performance, mobilizing and developing people and creating teams motivated by performance.
Beyond his professional mission, Dinu has an important personal mission to be a model of Man for his children: Luca, Patrick and Ariana, and a Man of trust, inspiration and support for his loved ones.
My personal Values
All values are interconnected and have diversified levels of meaning. When talking about Peace, one tends to think 'peace', by recalling the lack of it, focusing on conflict and war, and on the hopes of humankind to realise unity among people and achieve peace at a world-wide level. Seldom does one realise that to seek peace in life and for the world is not a political issue, but an individual choice of self- development. It means living up to the value, and securing a state of inner peace within oneself.
When our minds are quiet, our emotions are in a state of balance; when there is no inner war going on and our desires are kept under control, a feeling of peace and contentment fills our hearts. These feelings respond with feelings of harmony, happiness and profound gratitude.
"When there is peace in the individual, there will be peace in the family.
When there is peace in the family, there will be peace in the community.
When there is peace in the community, there will be peace in the nation.
When there is peace in the nation, there will be peace in the world."
Selecting FAMILY as a Core Value was an obvious choice for me for so many reasons, as we all come from and contribute to our own FAMILIES. There are so many types of families in our world today – biological families, adoptive families, foster families, blended families, etc. They provide us support, encouragement, love, a place we can return to.
Our birth family is how we start to define ourselves, our world, our values. They are the roots from which we grow.
We can’t choose our birth families but if I could have chosen mine, I most definitely would have chosen my Mother Maria, Father Dumitru and Sister Dana MESTER. They are three of the biggest blessings in my life and have given me a solid foundation by providing me with love, care, life lessons, values, independence and so many of the qualities that have made me the man I have become.
My birth FAMILY did a wonderful job raising me, as did the community I was raised in. It’s often said that it takes a village to raise a child and Borsa (Bihor) was that village for me.
For me, freedom is based on the ability to understand, to discover, to analyze, to decide and to act in an autonomous way according to my own consciousness.
Freedom involves taking responsibility for one's own decisions and actions. My freedom is limited where it affects the freedom of others. Hence the importance of principles and rules set, known, accepted and respected in common, both those written as laws or internal regulations, and those not written and transmitted through habits and practices such as traditions or organizational culture.
Trust in God! in mine and others' potential, it is the basis of the enthusiasm of any action.
We do business with partners we trust. We enjoy learning from teachers we trust. We buy consumer or personal use products sold by companies we trust. We marry the person we trust because he loves us, that we can build a family together, and that he will be with us for better or worse.
Last but not least, the excellent organization chart of the excellent company is a network based on Trust.
Yes, I think Work is a value. A popular saying goes, "Work ennobles man!". My mother often repeated to me "Who does not work, should not eat!". I grew up with these beliefs and for me it is the key to personal and professional evolution.
I consider that the first source of individual emancipation, self-transcendence and personal fulfillment is work, because only through work we become the one we want to be.
The key to success is, in my perspective, the Work and the inner desire for progress, for continuous improvement, to be better today than yesterday and to become better tomorrow than today.
It is the only way to progress by remaining yourself. I always wanted to know how things were somewhere else. I worked in education, but also in banking. I worked for a small production workshop, but also for a world corporation. I was born and raised in Oradea, I studied at home in Oradea, but I wanted intensively to study abroad, so I finished my studies in France.
I returned home, where I feel deeply rooted, but I always want to study how it is done elsewhere and see how we can do better in our country.
The greatest satisfaction in my personal transformation from a conscientious and introverted specialist into an open and passionate leader came from my work and contribution to the personal and professional development of the People in the teams I led and with whom I achieved outstanding results and the highest professional satisfactions.
It is said that a manager makes sure that people do what they have to do, but a leader inspires them and makes them succeed in what they did not even think they could do!
Organizations are great because of the people they manage to attract and retain.
They attract them through their leadership vision and organizational culture and retain them because of the feeling that they work in a successful organization, based on meritocracy, by implementing the integrated performance management system.
The great companies of the 21st century have realized that they need to be concerned with meeting the growing personal needs of their employees, beyond the primary, security and social needs of a group.
The "secret" that makes the difference between good organizations and excellent organizations is meeting the psychological needs of their employees, needs such as self-respect and self-esteem, the meaning and contribution of their own actions, fulfillment and personal growth.
2005-2007 for Parisot Groupe France - S.I.M. S.R.L., Oradea office, small workshop developed at the level of sofa production section with over 100 employees
2008-2009 for the American group Office Depot - Shared Services Center, Cluj Napoca as team leader Accounts Payable, for Office Depot France (outsourced financial-accounting services)
At the end of 2009, Dinu returns to Oradea at the sofa production unit of the Parisot group, the current P3G Holding France – PGS SOFA & CO S.R.L. Oradea, actively and intensively contributing to the development of the company from the sofa production workshop level with 50 employees, to Top 5 companies in the furniture industry in Romania, in three different production locations Arad, Oradea and Biharia, with over 1000 employees.
Dinu won as director of PGS SOFA & CO in 2013 the title of "Biggest employer of the year in Bihor", awarded at the "Gala Top Bihorene Brands" event organized in March 2014 by UNPR - National Union of Romanian Employers .
Starting from the middle of 2018, Dinu contributed to the creation of the identity of the company GREENCORP S.R.L. as a producer of medium to high class sofas for the European market, at a different level of volume, quality and financial performance. The company had accumulated up to that moment more than 1 million euros in cumulative losses since its foundation (info www.listafirme.ro). After the implementation of PEOPLE-based performance management, the company became a sustainably profitable company.
Starting from 2020, Dinu carries out Interim Management (6-18 months) and Performance Management facilitation missions (training, mentoring or coaching services) for companies with very diverse shareholders, both in terms of training and education level as well as nationalities and ethnicities.
My professional vision
This phrase becomes the first "law" of management and leadership for future responsible leaders in Romania, in their constant search for competitive advantages for the success of their organizations and also in their active involvement in the evolution of the Romanian society.
My professional mission
To facilitate the knowledge and implementation of the concept of performance leadership, based on the implementation of an integrated performance management system, both for the sake of results and especially for the sake of People Empowerment.
To support the implementation of organizational development programs in companies in the region to provide them with the benefits of the integrated performance management system, recognized today internationally as the most effective and efficient management tool for executing company strategy.